Lecture 19 | Different Classification Models
Lecture 19 | Different Classification Models
Draw the following data set:
Whole Sale
Whole Sale
· Tree has nodes, branches and leaves.
· We have to decide the root node
Following are the three concepts in
machine learning.
· Entropy. Entropy is the measure of impurity. In measure of entropy,
if the impurity is more the entropy is also high and vice versa. When we
classify an attribute, for example while performing binary classification, like
in profit attribute the values would be Yes or No, it means we have removed the
impurity as we have two values.
· Let us understand the concept with the help of entropy. Suppose we
have three baskets:
One basked has equal quantities of both eggs and candies.
Second basket has more eggs than candies.
Third basket has only eggs.
· Our target are eggs. In first basket we have to find out how much
impurity is there in that basket. We will see it may be random as per ration or
percentage between eggs and candies.
· Similarly in second basket impurity is less than the first and in
the last basket the impurity is very low.
Now we draw the decision tree with the help of data assumed above.
Remember every node in the tree is a decision that’s why it is called decision
tree. Suppose we have four attributes or feature and fifth is target attribute
or class label and we are using binary classification. When we arrive at the
last node or leaf node, all classes in the attributes would have been
separated. We would have only one class remaining at this stage.
· Our goal is to find the entropy from each of four attributes. Our
purpose to find such attribute which have more distinct classes in it. Decision
tree will help us to reaching at this stage where we would have very clear
distinct classes.
· First of all we are going to choose that attribute which reduces
the impurity from its data more quickly than others. For example in order to
purify the milk we have to extract water from it.
· Another example to arrive the first root node, we take example of
classifying the students into who qualify or who could not qualify. We have
taken the following attributes:
who do the hard work.
who do the medium work
who don’t pay much attention to the studies.
who have the very good attendance
who have average attendance
who have poor attendance.
who have the very active participation
who have moderate participation
who have poor participation.
Now question arises why we use the decision tree, answer is it
reduces the lot of computational power in machine learning. Another feature of
decision tree is that it can read both categorical and numerical data.
Forest comprises many trees. In Random Forest we take more than one
decision tree. Suppose we had seven different attributes on the basis of which
we were going to form the decision tree. In each decision tree we are going to form we will
add five attributes instead of seven random attributes in order to avoid the
recurrence in the data. In each tree root node would be different as each root
note would have different entropy levels. Some trees out of five trees would
have root node of high entropy and other would have low entropy root nodes. On
the basis of it, all five trees would have different features. So in random
forest have many trees which have subset of different features.
Suppose we have to make decision whether a student would fail or
pas on the basis of following study habits :
Study Habits- Medium
Attendance- Regular
Random Forest is one of the most popular and commonly used
algorithms by Data Scientists. Random forest is a Supervised Machine Learning Algorithm that is used widely in Classification and Regression
problems. It builds decision trees on different samples and
takes their majority vote for classification and average in case of regression.
Random forest is a versatile machine learning algorithm
developed by Leo Breiman and Adele Cutler. It leverages an ensemble of multiple
decision trees to generate predictions or classifications. By combining the
outputs of these trees, the random forest algorithm delivers a consolidated and
more accurate result.
Its widespread popularity stems from its user-friendly nature
and adaptability, enabling it to tackle both classification and regression
problems effectively. The algorithm’s strength lies in its ability to handle
complex datasets and mitigate overfitting, making it a valuable tool for
various predictive tasks in machine learning.
One of the most important features of the Random Forest
Algorithm is that it can handle the data set containing continuous
variables, as in the case of regression, and categorical
variables, as in the case of classification. It performs
better for classification and regression tasks. In this tutorial, we will
understand the working of random forest and implement random forest on a
classification task.
Learning Objectives
- Learn the
working of random forest with an example
- Understand
the impact of different hyperparameters in random forest
- Implement
Random Forest on a classification problem using scikit-learn
Become a Full Stack Data Scientist
Real-Life Analogy of Random Forest
Let’s dive into a real-life analogy to understand this concept
further. A student named X wants to choose a course after his 10+2, and he is
confused about the choice of course based on his skill set. So he decides to
consult various people like his cousins, teachers, parents, degree students,
and working people. He asks them varied questions like why he should choose,
job opportunities with that course, course fee, etc. Finally, after consulting
various people about the course he decides to take the course suggested by most
Working of Random Forest Algorithm
Before understanding the working of the random forest algorithm
in machine learning, we must look into the ensemble learning technique. Ensemble simplymeans
combining multiple models. Thus a collection of models is used to make
predictions rather than an individual model.
Ensemble uses two types of methods:
1. Bagging– It creates a different
training subset from sample training data with replacement & the final
output is based on majority voting. For example, Random Forest.
2. Boosting– It combines weak
learners into strong learners by creating sequential models such that the final
model has the highest accuracy. For example, ADA BOOST, XG BOOST.
As mentioned earlier, Random forest works on the Bagging principle. Now let’s dive in and understand bagging in detail.
Bagging, also known as Bootstrap Aggregation, is
the ensemble technique used by random forest.Bagging chooses a random
sample/random subset from the entire data set. Hence each model is generated
from the samples (Bootstrap Samples) provided by the Original Data with
replacement known as row sampling. This step of row
sampling with replacement is called bootstrap. Now each model
is trained independently, which generates results. The final output is based on
majority voting after combining the results of all models. This step which
involves combining all the results and generating output based on majority
voting, is known as aggregation.
Now let’s look at an example by breaking it down with the help of the following figure. Here the bootstrap sample is taken from actual data (Bootstrap sample 01, Bootstrap sample 02, and Bootstrap sample 03) with a replacement which means there is a high possibility that each sample won’t contain unique data. The model (Model 01, Model 02, and Model 03) obtained from this bootstrap sample is trained independently. Each model generates results as shown. Now the Happy emoji has a majority when compared to the Sad emoji. Thus based on majority voting final output is obtained as Happy emoji.
Boosting is one of the techniques that use the concept of
ensemble learning. A boosting algorithm combines multiple simple models (also
known as weak learners or base estimators) to generate the final output. It is
done by building a model by using weak models in series.
There are several boosting algorithms; AdaBoost was the first
really successful boosting algorithm that was developed for the purpose of
binary classification. AdaBoost is an abbreviation for Adaptive Boosting and is
a prevalent boosting technique that combines multiple “weak classifiers” into a
single “strong classifier.” There are Other Boosting techniques. For more, you
can visit
Steps Involved in Random Forest Algorithm
Step 1: In the Random forest model, a
subset of data points and a subset of features is selected for constructing
each decision tree. Simply put, n random records and m features are taken from
the data set having k number of records.
Step 2: Individual decision trees are
constructed for each sample.
Step 3: Each decision tree will
generate an output.
Step 4: Final output is considered
based on Majority Voting or Averaging for
Classification and regression, respectively.
For example: consider the fruit basket as the data as
shown in the figure below. Now n number of samples are taken from the fruit
basket, and an individual decision tree is constructed for each sample. Each
decision tree will generate an output, as shown in the figure. The final output
is considered based on majority voting. In the below figure, you can see that
the majority decision tree gives output as an apple when compared to a banana,
so the final output is taken as an apple.
Important Features of Random Forest
- Diversity: Not all attributes/variables/features are
considered while making an individual tree; each tree is different.
- Immune to the curse of dimensionality: Since each tree does not consider
all the features, the feature space is reduced.
- Parallelization: Each tree is created independently out of
different data and attributes. This means we can fully use the CPU to
build random forests.
- Train-Test split: In a random forest, we don’t have to
segregate the data for train and test as there will always be 30% of the
data which is not seen by the decision tree.
- Stability: Stability arises because the result is
based on majority voting/ averaging.
Difference Between Decision Tree and Random
Random forest is a collection of decision trees; still, there
are a lot of differences in their behavior.
trees |
Forest |
Decision trees normally suffer from the problem of overfitting if it’s
allowed to grow without any control. |
Random forests are created from subsets of data, and the final output is
based on average or majority ranking; hence the problem of overfitting is
taken care of. |
A single decision tree is faster in computation. |
It is comparatively slower. |
When a data set with features is taken as input by a decision tree, it will
formulate some rules to make predictions. |
Random forest randomly selects observations, builds a decision tree, and
takes the average result. It doesn’t use any set of formulas. |
Thus random forests are much more successful than decision trees
only if the trees are diverse and acceptable.
Important Hyperparameters in Random Forest
Hyperparameters are used in random forests to either enhance the
performance and predictive power of models or to make the model faster.
Hyperparameters to Increase the Predictive Power
n_estimators: Number of trees the
algorithm builds before averaging the predictions.
max_features: Maximum number of features
random forest considers splitting a node.
mini_sample_leaf: Determines the minimum number of leaves required to split
an internal node.
criterion: How to split the node in
each tree? (Entropy/Gini impurity/Log Loss)
max_leaf_nodes: Maximum leaf nodes in each tree
Hyperparameters to Increase the Speed
n_jobs: it tells the engine how many
processors it is allowed to use. If the value is 1, it can use only one
processor, but if the value is -1, there is no limit.
random_state: controls randomness of the sample. The model will always produce
the same results if it has a definite value of random state and has been given
the same hyperparameters and training data.
oob_score: OOB means out of the bag. It is a random forest
cross-validation method. In this, one-third of the sample is not used to train
the data; instead used to evaluate its performance. These samples are called
out-of-bag samples.
Coding in Python – Random Forest
Now let’s implement Random Forest in scikit-learn.
1. Let’s import the libraries.
# Importing the required libraries
import pandas as pd, numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt, seaborn as sns
%matplotlib inline
2. Import the dataset.
Python Code:
3. Putting Feature Variable to X and Target variable
to y.
# Putting feature variable to X
X = df.drop('heart disease',axis=1)
# Putting response variable to y
y = df['heart disease']
4. Train-Test-Split is performed
# now lets split the data into train and test
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
# Splitting the data into train and test
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, train_size=0.7, random_state=42)
X_train.shape, X_test.shape
5. Let’s import RandomForestClassifier and fit the
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
classifier_rf = RandomForestClassifier(random_state=42, n_jobs=-1, max_depth=5,
n_estimators=100, oob_score=True)
classifier_rf.fit(X_train, y_train)
# checking the oob score
6. Let’s do hyperparameter tuning for Random Forest
using GridSearchCV and fit the data.
rf = RandomForestClassifier(random_state=42, n_jobs=-1)
params = {
'max_depth': [2,3,5,10,20],
'min_samples_leaf': [5,10,20,50,100,200],
'n_estimators': [10,25,30,50,100,200]
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
# Instantiate the grid search model
grid_search = GridSearchCV(estimator=rf,
cv = 4,
n_jobs=-1, verbose=1, scoring="accuracy")
grid_search.fit(X_train, y_train)
rf_best = grid_search.best_estimator_
From hyperparameter tuning, we can fetch the best estimator, as
shown. The best set of parameters identified was max_depth=5,
7. Now, let’s visualize
from sklearn.tree import plot_tree
plot_tree(rf_best.estimators_[5], feature_names = X.columns,class_names=['Disease', "No Disease"],filled=True);
from sklearn.tree import plot_tree
plot_tree(rf_best.estimators_[7], feature_names = X.columns,class_names=['Disease', "No Disease"],filled=True);
The trees created by estimators_[5] and estimators_[7] are
different. Thus we can say that each tree is independent of the other.
8. Now let’s sort the data with the help of feature
imp_df = pd.DataFrame({
"Varname": X_train.columns,
"Imp": rf_best.feature_importances_
imp_df.sort_values(by="Imp", ascending=False)
Random Forest Algorithm Use Cases
This algorithm is widely used in E-commerce, banking, medicine,
the stock market, etc.
For example: In the Banking industry, it can be used to find
which customer will default on a loan.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Random Forest
1. It can be used in classification and regression problems.
2. It solves the problem of overfitting as output is based
on majority voting or averaging.
3. It performs well even if the data contains null/missing
4. Each decision tree created is independent of the other; thus,
it shows the property of parallelization.
5. It is highly stable as the average answers given by a large
number of trees are taken.
6. It maintains diversity as all the attributes are not
considered while making each decision tree though it is not true in all cases.
7. It is immune to the curse of dimensionality. Since each tree
does not consider all the attributes, feature space is reduced.
8. We don’t have to segregate data into train and test as there
will always be 30% of the data, which is not seen by the decision tree made out
of bootstrap.
1. Random forest is highly complex compared to decision trees,
where decisions can be made by following the path of the tree.
2. Training time is more than other models due to its
complexity. Whenever it has to make a prediction, each decision tree has to
generate output for the given input data.
Random forest is a great choice if anyone wants to build the
model fast and efficiently, as one of the best things about the random forest
is it can handle missing values. It is one of the best techniques with high
performance, widely used in various industries for its efficiency. It can
handle binary, continuous, and categorical data. Overall, random forest is a
fast, simple, flexible, and robust model with some limitations.
Key Takeaways
- Random
forest algorithm is an ensemble learning technique combining numerous
classifiers to enhance a model’s performance.
- Random
Forest is a supervised machine-learning algorithm made up of decision
- Random
Forest is used for both classification and regression problems.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. How do you explain a random
A. Random Forest is a supervised
learning algorithm that works on the concept of bagging. In bagging, a group of
models is trained on different subsets of the dataset, and the final output is
generated by collating the outputs of all the different models. In the case of
random forest, the base model is a decision tree.
Q2. How random forest works step
by step?
A. The following steps will tell
you how random forest works:
1. Create Bootstrap Samples:
Construct different samples of the dataset with replacements by randomly
selecting the rows and columns from the dataset. These are known as bootstrap
2. Build Decision Trees: Construct
the decision tree on each bootstrap sample as per the hyperparameters.
3. Generate Final Output: Combine
the output of all the decision trees to generate the final output.
Q3. What are the advantages of
Random Forest?
A. Random Forest tends to have a
low bias since it works on the concept of bagging. It works well even with a
dataset with a large no. of features since it works on a subset of features.
Moreover, it is faster to train as the trees are independent of each other,
making the training process parallelizable.
Q4. Why do we use random forest
A. Random Forest is a popular
machine learning algorithm used for classification and regression tasks due to
its high accuracy, robustness, feature importance, versatility, and
scalability. Random Forest reduces overfitting by averaging multiple decision
trees and is less sensitive to noise and outliers in the data. It provides a
measure of feature importance, which can be useful for feature selection and
data interpretation.
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