AI Free Basic Course | Lecture 25 | Building & Training CNN | Live Session
AI Free Basic Course | Lecture 25 | Building & Training CNN | Live Session Yesterday we discussed about the convolutional Neural Network (CNN). We could not understand, how the features map is formed when filter is applied on an image. We studied that convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is better than Artificial Neural Network (ANN). Now we explain what features make Convolutional Neural Network better than Artificial Neural Network (ANN). Look at the image of puzzle. We give the same puzzle to two different friends. One friend is given the puzzle blocks after mixing it haphazardly and ask him to recognize the image by watching each block of the puzzle. Other friend is given the same parts of the puzzle in arranged form and ask him to recognize the image. The second friends start to watching the puzzle from upper left and glides eyes on the image in slices and recognize the image at the end. During the process of recognizing the image, he is watching the image in small pieces....